From the Medieval Times to the Renaissance, the Rignac countryside has a lot of architectural masterpieces to offer !

The castle of Bournazel was built within the medieval fortification during the sixteenth century (between 1540 and 1560) by Jean II de Buisson and his wife Charlotte de Mancip. It is considered as one of the most beautiful Renaissance castle in southern France.
Its architecture, mainly influenced by Italian style buildings, which were highly appreciated during the fifteenth, showcases a high quality sculpted decoration.
The visits follow the history of this castle, quite forgotten for a long time, which gives us the image of a poetic place shaped by the owners.
Architecture, sculptures, decorations, furniture and the garden, give the visitors the impression to enter a work of art!

The garden: It was a long way for the present owners to restore the original garden of this castle. But thanks to their tenacious work, researches in the local archives and archeological diggings, they managed to recreate an example of the garden’s original aspect (the way it used to look like between 1542 and 1561). This garden is surrounded by stone walls and composed of nine different flower beds. Each of them has its own theme. They were made to educate the prince about the meaning of life and his place in the Universe. Fountain, labyrinth, water displays, terraces... the organization of this garden is mainly symbolical, intellectual, humanist, … it reminds us of the ambitions of the Renaissance period.
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